Such a beautiful day that was
^pics of mission bay where people keep their boats and stuff
and the beautiful clean beach. I can't believe the water is so clear, but I heard from the boyfriend that the beach water surrounding Guam is even cleaner. Can't wait until that dork brings me. He better. Rawr.
^pics of mission bay where people keep their boats and stuff
and the beautiful clean beach. I can't believe the water is so clear, but I heard from the boyfriend that the beach water surrounding Guam is even cleaner. Can't wait until that dork brings me. He better. Rawr.
After the excitement, our group then continued on to finding infuana. We were not really successful as we were too excited to be outdoors, especially me. To be honest I wasn't really helpful when we got to the beach. I was enjoying it too much that I forgot our purpose, to make up for the fact that I did not help with the grunt work I took notes instead. Hopefully it will be more than enough to be used as study material for the next exam.
This weekend was fun, got to go to a party and had a nice time. I wasn't sure what to make of it because it was literally my first party with a bunch of people I barely knew. I only went because my classmate invited me and another one of my classmate/ friend was going and gave me a ride. I felt really out of place mainly because I was the only Asian girl there and because my alcohol tolerance is almost non existant, Close to not having one. They had many drinking games that I had no idea of, such as one card where each player has a card on their forehead and has to guess whether or not they have the highest card out of everyone, and if they guess wrong they must drink a shot. Thankfully I didn't lose. Another card game we played was called something like aunt k (that's not really the name, i just don't know the actual one so I typed whatever it sort of sounds like ), each player had 4 cards and we had to guess the probability of how many times we would win, the win comes from having the highest card out of the group with a whole turn, if we did not win as many times as we said we would our punishment would be a shot or a fire shot. Those who do not know what a fire shot is or how it looks like, I recorded a video for you.
I am a baby with barely any alcohol tolerance so obviously I didn't do that, so they let me get away with sipping on hard apple cider beer. Yay for me cause I really don't like the taste of alcohol. Shush, don't make fun of me.
Random picture of a bottle of vodka just because the bottle looks cool
Random picture of a bottle of vodka just because the bottle looks cool
Lastly the monster game we had, battleship.
If you guys are familiar with the old school board game, that is what it is based off of, but with beer and shots. The beer was considered surrounding water and the shots were put into rows of 2-4 to represent ships. Here is picture
If you guys are familiar with the old school board game, that is what it is based off of, but with beer and shots. The beer was considered surrounding water and the shots were put into rows of 2-4 to represent ships. Here is picture
It is a 7x7 game with 5 members on each team. If opposing team shoots into a beer cup they must drink that beer in according to what ever number that are, and if they shot into the shot cup then then the home team had to take that shot in according to their number. Once again I gave all my beer cups and shots to my teammates because I can't do it, and they live in that house so it doesn't matter for them. Lol. Their tolerance is way higher and better than mine. I just sipped on my sissy apple cider beer. Looks good huh?
You can see in the background the guys setting up the battleship drinking game. Fun huh? haha
~Vic RyuukiCho
You can see in the background the guys setting up the battleship drinking game. Fun huh? haha
~Vic RyuukiCho