Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dominatrix cooking my birthday dinner and bought me a venti Starbucks drink

Haha, like my title? lol It not really like how it sounds but I just made it into a sentence that sounded interesting.
Well... It's been a while and it's good to know that I STILL only have one follower and that happens to be my sister... which doesn't really count because I told her to...kind of sad... -__-'
Been watching Sherlock Holmes season 2 bbc version. I love it so much, the character Irene Adler has been my favorite in almost every version. She is wonderful in this new bbc version! In this modern day version of Sherlock Holmes, she is a dominatrix. How wonderful I could squeal~! kyaaa~~~
Lara Pulver as Sherlock's love interest, Irene Adler. Pretty damn seductive and sexy huh? >w<
She reminds me of another guest character I adore from a television series and she is also a dominatrix~! Can anyone guess? It's Lady Heather from CSI~!!!
Melinda Clarke as Lady Heather, I am half expecting her to dish out her whip in this picture. <3
It may seem strange that I am so fascinated with these characters, but only because they are so captivating, cunning, and strong. No one can mess with them because of the power they have collected for themselves. shivers~~*

Well then back to reality
Finally put the pictures of birthday items that I received. i.e. A card and cake. T_T a little sad but it's ok, I didn't really celebrate my birthday this time because I had a test the next day. Sucks....
oh my pretty card that I got from my cousin that she so sweetly wrote such nice words to me. Makes me happy and make this face >w<
And the ice cream cake from coldstones that I got from the boyfriend,
I believe it was a strawberry ice cream, red velvet cake. Very yum.

On an unrelated note, made some spaghetti today, Cookingwithdog version.
Switched out the green bell pepper with yellow because I wanted to save the green ones from stuffed peppers. xD
Looks kinda weird but I promise it tastes very yummy and good. I think it's because of the lighting. haha (blames on lighting and not own cooking skills <: ) It just doesn't look as nice cause I didn't bother making it all presentable, because I was only feeding myself.
and for my drink I got Starbucks BTL < BlackTeaLemonade. My favorite. The girl that made it put it in the biggest cup because I guess they didn't have anymore Venti cups, I assumed that it wouldn't be filled all the way since Trenta is bigger but she was nice and gave me a full cup at the Venti price. This is me almost drinking it all.... lol
That is all... :)
~Vic RyuukiCho

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